Saturday 18 April 2009

In the mean-time

The last few weeks I’ve had to set aside my artwork, the lopsided-project and the reading of blogs, reluctantly, but life had other ideas, rather good ones actually, involving a magic trip to Seven Sisters (where the sea sparkled as if the stars were skinny-dipping), curtain poles, Roni Horn’s exhibition at Tate Modern, and a choice of red and purple blossoms – which left no energy for much else.
I’m still aligned with spring though and do not want to let my blog wither so I’m offering you this, written a couple of months ago, and, I hasten to add, not biographical in any real sense.

Cosy for my heart

I knit and knit a useless thing that might have been
a sleeve. Two purl, two plain, a drip-feed of stitches.

No wings for you, no name, no song, just loop
passing through loop and the clicking of needles.

Some stitches cruelly ring a life: rib, seed and moss,
flame, sea foam, little shell. You fell away a tiny curl

of flesh, a blur of nerves and tissue. I fold my life
around the lack of you, this sealed threshold.

You’re a breath held. The mouth that would have kissed
and sung you lullabies and called your name has set.

Instead I drop a stitch and watch it slide its groove, unfurl
down rung by curly rung, unstrip its alphabet.

From there I spin a life, dressed in a poem’s raggedy lines,
this spider lace of letters.


RosieK said...

this poem is beautiful and so strange that I was looking at this blog before reading it - do have a look
I hope to see the Roni Horn exhibition myself in a couple of weeks when I'm down in London for the day
Sometimes things need to be put on hold in order to fit other adventures!

Anonymous said...

At times it feels a pressure to go on making entries at regular intervals. I think if I do not do this though it will will stop! End of blog! I have at least 3-4 photography blogs I would like to include on my blogroll but they all seemed to have ceased in 2007. I hope you keep all your wonderful poems safe somewhere.

mansuetude said...

I fold my life
around the lack of you, this sealed threshold.

You’re a breath held.

in the context of your knitting images, these words really seemed so much a history of women, sitting, knitting, and powerful. A beautiful set of little air pockets in knitting too-- wonderful images floating in my head.

love also the seven sisters cliffs; i love the idea of seven sisters, since i have so many myself, but we are not so pure white and chalky. :)


The line 'You fell away a tiny curl of flesh' and the following paragraph I find very sweet and painful as it evocates loss in a tender way... it touches a nerve with me. Amazing to be reminded of certain hidden feelings by reading somebody else's words. I am always touched by your work and words, in an uplifting way too!