Wednesday 15 August 2007

Grey and red (one of four)

Made first but presented last: a dress of grey-brown hair, my favourite shade. I bought all I could get of this beautiful (because it touches me) double-tinted hair from two local shops a year ago, still have got some left, kept aside/safe for a new project. Colour of the present is red red red, I think red and crochet red (in wool and wire and hair) and write red, even dreamed red last week, but more about that another day. Grey-brown is the colour of ageing, of years turning churning, of memories accumulating and dislodging, of old age catching up with childhood remembered, of going back in time in mind while time seems to move forward faster and faster - towards the end. Hair greying and thinning on head and body, slowness and sagging of body but hopefully not of mind.
It’s also the hair of an old rangy cat the fur of which has been torn and shed and grown back unevenly. The tint of an old winter-coat that has kept its owner warm over the years. Of speckled bird’s eggs and the nest they lie in. Of ashes which brings me back to the colour red – the flames that consumed.


MoonChild said...

wow~ the four are shown!
in this series, i love the second made most, it just leaves me a surreal feeling it's not for human, but for the fairies!

redredday said...

i think this one is my favorite. i am not so uneasy of it as i was of the first two presented when looking at it up close. the hair does not seem out of place here; the soft hairy ends seem to be moving with the wind as if they belong to be out there, so beautiful and so elegant being where it is at right now.

what you wrote of the color and the aging, i am reading it and thinking yes yes, i see it, that is exactly it...! but just when i didn't think you could relate it any better, there you come with that last line that just blew my mind away.

funny you having been dreaming of red wings when i've been trying to paint black ones. not sure if they will stay in the painting though.

how come you see Geryon with six wings? but that does seem right now that you mentioned it.

i can't stop thinking about your red girl rolling on the snow and leaving pink traces...

redredday said...

p.s. will you show an image of all four together?

p.p.s. don't really understand your fear of drawing on paper. makes me curious to see your handwriting.